
So, you want to knit your own garment?  The first thing that we need to determine is your size, then it is what size do you want to knit? So let’s start with looking at the measurements on the pattern. In the Purl &Jane patterns you’ll find all the measurements you need. I included suggested […]

A ramble about mistakes

I wanted to do a blog post about mistakes but it’s proving to be a difficult blog post for me to do for you and I’m trying to figure out why. I guess it’s because I help people in my studio shop, people will come in if they’ve made a mistake or have a problem […]

The T word

I thought I’d do a blog post on the ‘T word’.  Now if I say this word to some experienced knitters the response from them make me feel like I’ve just swore at them or I’ve asked about their personal hygiene.  Like I’ve said, “How often do you shower?” Some knitters get a little bit […]

Learn to knit – Casting on

Welcome, we’re going to learn to knit!  I’ve broken these down into small sections so you can read through the posts and then choose the one you need when you need it. You don’t have to read me rambling on again, instead you can go straight to the paragraph you want or click on the […]

Learn to knit, an introduction

This is the introduction to a series of blogs that I’m going to do over the next few weeks to help you learn to knit or how to start to knit. Because with this help you can teach yourself to knit! These blogs will all be based on videos I have done on YouTube so […]


Learn to Knit Introduction

Welcome to the Learn to Knit Free Online course! I have been teaching workshops in real life for over 20 years and it’s something I really enjoy.  There is nothing better then finding a good teacher and learning a new skill with them. Whatever it is. A skill, like knitting, is great for the mind […]