Picking up Stitches

In this Professional Finishing series of blog posts we have looked at sizing, that T word, and decreasing.  In the decreasing we mentioned the amazing difference of how one stitch makes picking up stitches nice and easy. In this blog post I shall chat about how picking up stitches can be enjoyable and how making […]

Professional Finishing – decreasing

Decreasing – something that seems so unimportant yet one small change makes all the difference. Hopefully you’ve read the previous three blog posts I’ve done in this Professional Finishing series. There is one on Sizing and then the another one on that T word that we all love so much,( sarcasm doesn’t read well does […]

The T word – again!

It’s been a while, I’ve been on holiday which has meant a pause in the Professional Finishing blogging, but I’m back and we shall start again with another blog on something tricky….how many will read this blog?? Ok, let’s get back to it…so we want to knit our own garment. The first thing I suggest […]


So, you want to knit your own garment?  The first thing that we need to determine is your size, then it is what size do you want to knit? So let’s start with looking at the measurements on the pattern. In the Purl &Jane patterns you’ll find all the measurements you need. I included suggested […]

A ramble about mistakes

I wanted to do a blog post about mistakes but it’s proving to be a difficult blog post for me to do for you and I’m trying to figure out why. I guess it’s because I help people in my studio shop, people will come in if they’ve made a mistake or have a problem […]

The T word

I thought I’d do a blog post on the ‘T word’.  Now if I say this word to some experienced knitters the response from them make me feel like I’ve just swore at them or I’ve asked about their personal hygiene.  Like I’ve said, “How often do you shower?” Some knitters get a little bit […]